Blended learning is growing to be increasingly popular for schools of all types. In fact, as of June 2017, about 70 percent of schools in the US use technology into the classroom and off-site learning to supplement the classroom. Blended learning offers a type of instruction diversity that traditional teaching models cannot. With a student-centered design, students have more freedom to learn the way they want. So far, the outcomes have been excellent. 

Blended learning is especially effective for young learners. It allows the opportunity for students to learn and explore on their own. Teachers and students alike have access to high quality education. If technology is used the right way in class, this teaching and learning model yields incredible outcomes. 

What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning is also known as hybrid learning or blended education. It involves using technology to personalize learning for students. While many people have different definitions of this learning model, it almost always includes:

  • Web-based content and instruction 

Students connect to programs, assignments and other instruction via the Internet. Consequently, students do not directly receive information from teachers, but rather work on their own. This does not mean that students roam the web freely! Instead, students access programs, applications and portals that contain controlled instruction. 

  • Devices that accommodate self-paced learning 

With blended learning, students access instruction through devices like tablets and computers. They are able to progress through lessons at their own pace, individualizing the learning experience. Their progress is monitored and measured, and later available for teachers to review. 

  • Integrated learning experience 

Blended learning is different from tech-rich education. With tech-rich education, teachers are in control and use technology to supplement their own lesson plan. Blended learning focuses more on delivering personalized learning experiences for students. In the best way possible, it allows students a level of autonomy and freedom to explore and learn on their own. This allows “free time” for them to learn without stress or pressure from others. Additionally, it allows early learners an alternative way to learn, if the traditional method of instruction does not suit them.

Benefits of Blended Learning for Teachers 

Some naysayers are concerned that introducing technology into the classroom would do more harm than good. In fact, teachers who are more comfortable with the traditional teaching model may avoid any attempt at integrating technology into class altogether. But it is simpler than it sounds – and classrooms that do adopt this teaching and learning model report better learning outcomes. 

In 2010, the US Department of Education reported that students performed better with the blended learning model of instruction. Many educators believe that it is a combination of reasons. First, students have easier access to information and instruction. Second, they have the opportunity to learn outside of classroom hours. Finally, instruction is delivered in a medium that resonates with younger learners. 

Using the blended learning model is excellent for teachers, too. It makes teaching:

  • Flexible

Blended learning allows students to take charge of their own learning experience through high quality programs. That means you more time to focus on struggling learners, play catch up or anything else in between. Additionally, you can choose when to integrate tech time into your day’s lesson plan. Especially since young learners love their screen time, it is a perfect way to re-energize your classroom with a small yet productive break. 

  • Effective and efficient

One of the biggest advantages of incorporating technology into teaching is that it tracks students’ progress and generates a report for you. You can see exactly what students learn, where they struggle and what assignments they complete. Using these statistics, you can further design your lessons to target general weaknesses or strengths. 

  • Personalized learning experience 

Traditional classroom instruction works very well for many students – but not for all of them! There are plenty of students who simply don’t learn as well through traditional instruction. Blended learning allows flexibility for students who need a different way to learn. Best of all, because it is self-paced, it allows students to learn the way they are most comfortable.

Blended Learning Elevates the Learning Experience for Students 

Typically, students love the blended learning model. It breaks away from the traditional model and allows them more autonomy and creativity to learn the way they want! Fortunately, this does not mean that children just receive an extended recess. 

  • High quality learning time

Blended learning prioritizes high quality learning time. It never compromises on education in order to accommodate technology. For young learners, screen time should be limited in order to work best. Because students spend time learning, we want to make that time on computers and tablets as productive and enjoyable as possible. This way, it is always a treat to learn via technology. 

  • Less stressful experience

Blended learning also allows young learners to access information and instruction in a different way, making it exciting and energizing. It allows students some alone time, decompress from social anxiety and learn in a way that might suit them better. For example, for students who are struggling, they have the option to repeat instructions and exercises over and over again without ever feeling embarrassed in front of classmates. They have the choice to repeat instructions and exercises until they feel confident with the material. 

  • Better information retention 

Because blended learning is far more dynamic than traditional learning models, students retain information better. This makes their short time on tablets and computers super effective and information-dense. Additionally, lessons are very organized and tiered, so students know exactly what they are learning and what the next lesson will cover. 

Elevate Your Classroom with Blended Learning Solutions 

With the development of technology, the landscape of education changes. But this is nothing to fear. Teachers have the opportunity to leverage technology to make learning more enjoyable, and to make teaching easier! Best of all, blended learning can start in preschool and kindergarten. 

At Professor Pup’s Academy, we encourage the blended learning model for teaching reading to young learners. Our programs are simple to use for teachers and students alike. To learn more, check out how teachers are using our programs in the classroom! We offer all teachers a free one-month trial.