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What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning is growing to be increasingly popular for schools of all types. In fact, as of June 2017, about 70 percent of schools in the US use technology into the classroom and off-site learning to supplement the classroom. Blended learning offers a type of...

Reading Resolutions For Kids: Read A Book

Reading Resolutions For Kids: Read A Book

This year, get your kids to read a book! Building strong readers is so important. As parents, we constantly worry about whether or not our children are learning what they should when they should. That’s why we always encourage them to read more. This new year, let’s...

The Best Way To Teach Phonics At Home

What’s the best way to teach phonics at home? As parents, we want a solution that is doable, simple and effective. Unfortunately, reading is not a natural skill. This means that we do need to invest some time and attention for our children to successfully develop into...

Learning Phonics Is Fun with Professor Pup

Teachers today are under a lot of pressure, especially when it comes to leading a classroom of students learning phonics. With so much to do, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed! Even the best and most passionate teachers can fall short of meeting learning objectives when...

5 Terms To Know About Phonics and Reading

Phonics and reading will be a big part of your children's education. As parents with children entering school, you will be doing your fair share of researching the best ways to help your children learn how to read. Learning about phonics and reading can be...

How Children Learn To Read, with Emily Hanford

How do children learn to read? Why do so many students struggle to read? Emily Hanford of American Public Media has a report that answers these tough questions. If children attend school every day, why are they unable to read age-appropriate text? Why is it difficult...

Fun With Phonics: Classroom Activity

If you want your students to have fun with phonics, Rhyme Time is an excellent activity! It’s cheerful, it’s  rhythmic, and it gets everyone involved. Best of all, your young learners slowly pick up skills like deletion and substitution without even knowing it!...

Practice Phonemic Awareness: Classroom Activity

Children who successfully develop phonemic awareness become better readers, writers and spellers. A big part of developing phonemic awareness is being able to manipulate phonemes. This means that children are able to delete and substitute phonemes to create new...

Learning Letters and Sounds: Classroom Activity

Learning letters and sounds through games is an excellent way to reinforce phonics training. When young children are learning their phonemes, games provide entertainment and education at the same time! When we teach children about phonemes, they begin to understand...

Phonics Sounds of Letters: Classroom Activity

In phonics, sounds of letters are called phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound used to make words. It is also the first step in learning how to read through phonics. But, phonics sounds can be tough for kids at first. They might be comfortable using...

Professor Pup’s Academy

by Colvard Learning

Colvard Learning is an educational technology publisher. We develop comprehensive literacy programs that teach children how to read.